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KIV-19 is a miniaturized KG-194 that is functionally equivalent and interoperable with the KG-194 and KG-194A but utilizes different physical connectors. The KIV-19 is not intended to replace the KG-194 and KG-194A but to fill new requirements and unique backfit requirements that have strict size and weight constraints.

This device operates in traditional mode over full duplex, half duplex, or simplex broadcast channels. In FIREFLY mode, it operates only over full duplex channels. The KIV-19 supports data transfer rates from 9.6 Kbps to 13 Mbps and also operates in tactical satellite terminals and conditions where weight is a consideration.

The KIV-19 is certified to secure all classification levels and categories. It is an UNCLASSIFIED controlled cryptographic item (CCI) when unkeyed. When keyed, the equipment carries a classification equal to that of the key installed.

KIV-19 image courtesy Sypris Electronics.