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Publications as secret traitors

The press as a means of treason and she knows nothing about it

The publication in cyberspace 1


deutsch english

At about the time this , or shortly thereafter . But unfortunately we do not know it , it also plays only a minor role in whether we know it or not .. For we forget yet again . Yes , it could have been at that time. Whether it until long after that happened. we do not know. It has not come down to us . Yes , it could perhaps be done at this time .
 One can get the impression that we know nothing , or are we something more credible , almost nothing.

 This elimination of ignorance is the task of science, research and intelligence . The latter would not address this mundane concerns , but they were the first ones who used this means . Today, this means many millions of people use every day .

 But only a few of these publications are as intense as you read , the very skilled reader of the analysis and evaluation of intelligence . These men and women read these publications with a very large interest. According to U.S. data , which in the last century , were still 50% of the secret service of usable information gained from these sources . Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks even of 100%. He said 30 years later . He will of course have the cybernetic space and other natural sources included in its considerations ,

 There are very few cases that have been preserved for posterity .

 It is based on the fact that read an interested reader with common sense , newspapers. Summarized this information and it wrote a book.

 Everything that happened there , you can read on the following page ..