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Cyber espionageEspionage strategyespionageEconomic EspionagefrequencyCyber spies /Hacker
Cyber ​​espionage is an interesting way of "quiet" acquisition of information and you are not blameless

The elucidation of the basis of effective espionage

The espionage in cyberspace

The cybernetic spies or they are also called hackers

Economic espionage 2.0

deutsch english Executive Order 12333--United States intelligence activities Origin
Spying and cyber spying

States do not have any friends, only interests

This sentence is ascribed to persons of contemporary history following a sub-different one,

German German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck; -
the American president J. F. Kennedy and -
the American Foreign Secretary Henry Kissinger

This logic could have been valid already in the ancient times so already many millennia before the beginning of the modern calendar ..
This sentence is conveyed to every employee of the news services already for centuries. He is part of the bases of any secret official work.

Became this, sentence listed above the publication of Tim Weiner " CIA the whole story "or the American original title", Legacy of Ashes of The History  of  CIA, ".

This sentence was already posited at a time where today's communication systems were in the "child's shoes" still. There was today's classic form of the spying at that time. This applies to the modern systems today almost 150 years after the German German Chancellor Bismarck, too, this one made the Internet possible for us.

But also persons of contemporary history, as this one all over. President the USA J.F. Kennedy or the ex. American Foreign Secretary Henry Kissinger went by this motto.

This sentence for the employees of the secret services was a kind of maxim. An obligation to the safety of your nation represents this one for these employees.

The cooperation with foreign secret services is a very high danger potential in the history of the secret services.

If you should have problems with this topic, you then read the serious publications about the successes and failures of the secret services