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A cybernetic saboteur or the protection of secrets

The dual use of functions of the "sabotage"

The example of a successful destruction of highly sensitive systems


Author: Old Gocs Berlin February 2014 The article on the right-hand side is based on the evaluation of open sources (press publications) only over a longer time period
Sabotage or protection

This name "sabotage or protection" may be absurd on the first look.
But you regard the concept "sabotage" as an activity of your own to offer protection around his information to be kept secret, the concept then gets another meaning.

Because this sabotage activity is not for the destruction of strange systems but the "destruction" of systems of one's own in this case.

This destruction of one's own definitely is in today's cybernetic world on the agenda.

But they have a look thrown to us in the past to clarify the difficulties.

We take as an example the "large group" of the highly sensitive military technology.

Many military secrets which have to look for nothing actually there lie on the battlefields of the war around at the end of the military discussions.

We take the vast amounts to encoding technology or encoding technology which were been of use by the winners or passed on after the 2nd World War to other states. Of course with the corresponding consequences.
These systems were of some states given presents to because used the 50 more umpteenly years till into.

We take further example. The American troops and the defense forces Südvietnam had to use encoding and encoding technology during the Vietnam war. Because the defense forces of Vietnam have used the "weak point" to reach information.

At the surprising attack on Saigon a large number of encoding and encoding technology as well as key documents and other organisation materials fell into their hands. There are different details on the number of found materials.

The army disposed Nordvietnams with that about a larger stock of special technology which were also simultaneous in use at the American defense forces.

Which consequences arose changes could do at the hardware of this special technique requiredly have become so.

The application is the "pueblo" further example by North Korean defense forces. The defense forces Nordkoreas came this failed reconnaissance action to get her for U.S. into the possession of American encoding technology it was which equipment gather from American sources.

This loss also led to changes at used sensitive technology.

The North Korean defense forces shared this treasure with Soviet Union then and China.

Further examples find her also under losses.

Even if these examples not one to one on the cybernetic ones sensitive system can be transmitted. So she forces the knowledge of also transferring new cybernetic technology to the modern highly sensitive ones from the past, these cases of the loss of highly sensitive technology.